Product Files
  • -Console-Server-Agent structure, in which the server can be in either public or private cloud
  • -100% web-based remote software updating
  • -Centralized application, provisioning, firmware, driver, and BSP updates
  • -Encrypted protection for updates
  • -HTTPS, FTPS, MQTTS enabled for web security
  • -Easy integration with 3rd party storage server such as FTP
  • -Supports exception rollback for remote deployment
  • -Supports automatic and scheduled update modes
  • -Supports incremental updates
  • -Supports script updating
  • -Supports up to 50-device (IPC, IoT Gateway) simultaneous updating
  • -Agent supports multiplatform, such as Windows 7/8/10
  • -RESTful API web service for further development and integration with other systems