Temperature Monitoring System

Project Introduction:
The target of the project is monitoring the oven temperature during the test according to the international standards for measuring the oven performance.

-   System Requirements:

  • Accurate Reading.
  • Online Measurements.
  • Online Display.
  • All Data saved in excel sheet.
  • Multi Reading in the same time.
-  System Description:
  • Its advanced and intelligent measurements system , you can select the test will be done according to which Standard and the number of sensors and their locations.
  •   The system can be divided to two separate measurement tools to test two separate ovens.
  •   All temperatures are displayed online on Graphs and Indicators during test , also data saved to excel sheet for history.
  •   The system can be calibrated by friendly software.
  •   Separate Software for Printing and Previewing the Test Report with all results.

-    Conclusion:
  •  By using this system, you will improve your products quality.
  • Trusted and accurate reading without any human element in the measurements .
  •  Easy way for checking the test results at any time.
  • Friendly Software. 

Solution Images

Temperature Monitoring System